A blog with details of quilting projects past and present, to show others what I have been up to.
This is a bag I made for the Patchworks competition back in 2004. Patchworks is a shop in Scotland, and you paid about £6 for some fabrics that you made into whatever you wanted. You could add other fabrics as well. I can't remember which charity the competition was raising money for - it may have been breast cancer. I used one of my favourite fabrics - the chocolate one - twice; once on the outside, and then again on the inside for the pocket. I used and adapted a pattern from Barbara Randle's book - Crazy Quilting with Attitude, the bag also appeared in Popular Patchwork several years ago. I adapted it by adding a single shoulder strap on the gusset, and by creating a flap so that the bag could be closed over the top, rather than in the middle - I thought this made it a bit more secure. I used the stitch and flip method to piece the bag, and added ribbons and couched decorative threads for embellishments. The use of ribbon served two purposes; one was to use the means of tying the fabrics together for posting, and the second was to hide an unsightly join in the fabric. I couched the threads using invisible thread to add some movement to the piece, and used the colours of the fabric pack. I used some of the embroidery stitches on the machine along the ribbon, and along the gusset.
The bag didn't win any prizes, but it was fun to do, and I stretched the limits of my skills to achieve something that was attractive, practical and useful. It made me think carefully about what was required, and how to achieve the finished product - it was an exercise in creative thinking and problem solving.
That's all there is for now - check again soon for the next installment.
And here it is with the picture added! I decided on the flowers and plants I wanted - fuchsias, sweetpeas, tulips, Wedding Day rambling rose, antirrhinums (excuse the spelling), lavender and peonies. The crayon like background was done by using some oil type fabric paints - maybe in future if I try again, I will try using Markal Shiva paintsticks, or even some of the setacolour fabric paints I have. It may work using Angelina fabric - that would add a very different effect. The person leading the course said that watercolour pencils could be used - so that would give me a chance to use the Caran D'ache pencils - if only I knew where they were!
Watch out for the next post!