Doesn't Grandad Banks look happy! And a natural as well! The photo of Maisie in the basket shows her with her sock off - she didn't manage to keep one on - as soon as you replaced one of them, she managed to get rid of the other one! Anyway - the photo on the right here shows Maisie and her mum (Charlotte - my step-sister), after she had come back from the chiropractor. Maisie was as good as gold for the chiropractor, which was to the surprise of most people I think!
Anyway - the reason for this blog is to show off my handicrafts - so I'd better get on with it!
The photo on the left shows Caro with the quilt I made for her 30th birthday this year. This photo was taken in February, just after my sewing machine went a bit funny - it's all sorted now! Anyway, the photo was taken before the quilt was finished - I took it up to Caro so she could see it. The photos following show the finished quilt - both front, back and
the label as well. Some of the photos show the quilting as well, which took quite some time to do!
So, what is the next project? Well, I've started a bit of cross stitch. I saw some pieces that would make some good presents - so I'm not going to say any more about them, but I also saw some that would be good for the music room. I got them from the website 'House of Patchwork' - it's no good anyone else looking for the bargains on this particular website, because it closed down - the bargains were the closing down sale. So, I've augmented my stash considerably now - but I had to do it - I mean, a girl can never have too many quilts. That's all for now - keep looking back for more updates.