Sunday, 22 May 2011

Thanks again Marlene!

It's been a long time - getting from there to here....oh dear - I've started watching Star Trek: Enterprise, and the theme tune is stuck in my head! However - the sentiment holds true. I finish work on Friday and will be a housewife for a bit, which will allow me to spend more time being creative. So much has happened since last September. I went to Funky Daisy Flowers workshop yesterday, and the picture below shows Marlene's creation. I didn't take my camaera with me this time, so I don't have details or pictures of the other quilts. The beauty and joy of this workshop was that we all created something different, because we didn't have a pattern - we created our own patterns, we free-hand drew the flowers and the gentle curves, and from the same instructions, we all created something very different.

This has given me other ideas of how to adapt this pattern - first I really should finish this version, together with the narrow border and the and piping! However, I've been inspired to consider other fabrics (rainbow fabric to make the flowers - as someone did at the workshop), using shot fabric to create the flowers, and with the rainbow fabric as flowers - how about combining the flower blocks with some reveleation burning? The possibilities are endless!

What else have I been up to that has stopped me updating the blog? Well - work has been very busy, and we've had a bit of a year really - it's been extremely hard work, and we're now looking forward to better things. I've made another memory box - this time for my sister who got married in a castle in Scotland, in April, and also created a guest book for the wedding too. I made the card for the happy couple too, using some of the remainder of panels I'd made up for the wedding box. As I'll have a bit of time on my hands in 5 days time, it's made me think about creating and selling cards, doing a bit of recycling (the remainder of memory box panels). I've done a couple of workshops, and have had to cancel one so that I can attend my step-son's wedding. I'd booked the workshop in August last year - March this year he tells us that the date of the wedding had changed from December this year, to June this year! I did leave it a week or two (possibly longer) before cancelling the workshop, just in case he phoned one day to tell us the date had changed again - and that they were already married!

I'll get on and post more of my projects over the next few weeks - right now though, it's time to get on and do things, so that I'll have pictures to post!