This has given me other ideas of how to adapt this pattern - first I really should finish this version, together with the narrow border and the and piping! However, I've been inspired to consider other fabrics (rainbow fabric to make the flowers - as someone did at the workshop), using shot fabric to create the flowers, and with the rainbow fabric as flowers - how about combining the flower blocks with some reveleation burning? The possibilities are endless!
What else have I been up to that has stopped me updating the blog? Well - work has been very busy, and we've had a bit of a year really - it's been extremely hard work, and we're now looking forward to better things. I've made another memory box - this time for my sister who got married in a castle in Scotland, in April, and also created a guest book for the wedding too. I made the card for the happy couple too, using some of the remainder of panels I'd made up for the wedding box. As I'll have a bit of time on my hands in 5 days time, it's made me think about creating and selling cards, doing a bit of recycling (the remainder of memory box panels). I've done a couple of workshops, and have had to cancel one so that I can attend my step-son's wedding. I'd booked the workshop in August last year - March this year he tells us that the date of the wedding had changed from December this year, to June this year! I did leave it a week or two (possibly longer) before cancelling the workshop, just in case he phoned one day to tell us the date had changed again - and that they were already married!
I'll get on and post more of my projects over the next few weeks - right now though, it's time to get on and do things, so that I'll have pictures to post!
Nice to see you back Chrstine and you haven't been idle :-D
SOunds like you're back with lots of ideas too!
Hallo again.You've been busy during your time away. I've just noticed one of your 'best books' is Between Silk and Cyanide - it's on my shelves, too.
'The life that I have is all that I have...'
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